You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2008.

I got the plastic mesh stuff and I am working on the Dollhouse Tutorial from UK Lass in US.  Pictures and more details will have to wait though — we are going on a BIG trip tomorrow.  Back in a few weeks with a more interesting post.

Fried Egg

Finally, I made the egg I have been imagining for months now.  It really only took maybe 15 minutes once I got started but I procrastinated forever.  To make it, I just cut the white from two layers of wool felt and the yolk from a piece of yellow wool, which I purchased here.  I hand stitched the yolk on, stitched most of the way around the white, stuffed with a thin layer of Poly-Fil, sewed it up and that was that.  The only problem is, I made it the actual size of an egg, which is too big for toddler sized cookware.  I’ll just have to make more!

In a valiant attempt to become more organized, I recently started a delicious account (if that is what you call it) and so far, it is fun and also rather useful.  The basic concept is: you bookmark and tag sites that interest you, which makes finding things easier.  I am sure there is more to it, but that is how I am using it right now.  A post on Simple Mom about meal planning gave me the push I needed to start my list.  Needless to say, I have started gathering recipes but I have also been gathering little projects and tutorials that I have seen around and want to do.  So here are a few things on my To Do List:

Fabric Dollhouse at UK lass in US.  This is number one on my list right now.  I just have to get to the craft store and get some of that plastic mesh stuff.  I hope I am able to pull it off, the dollhouse and barn that she made are just fantastic.  I’m thinking it would be the perfect car toy for a long trip, which we actually have coming up!

I Spy Mini Quilts at Makes and Takes.  These look like fun and I think they would make super baby gifts.

Block Prints from this great tutorial at Lizzy House.  I am not entirely sure why I cannot seem to stick to one kind of art form or craft, but alas, I desperately want to try this.

Sally the Eco Angel at Knitty.  I really have not had any success with knitting but this cute Sally really makes me want to give it one more shot.  I mean, come on, she is wearing bloomers and a dress with wings!  I have had this page bookmarked, and now delicious-ed (?), for a long, LONG time but I am not sure that it will ever make it off my to do list.  Anyway, if I post it here it might pressure me in to giving it a shot.  Or not.  We will see.