You are currently browsing the monthly archive for February 2012.

I’m feeling anxious for the spring and gardening so I have been repotting inside and am quite pleased with everything.

The begonia on the left has been cut several times and you can see the new plants in water. I often give these as housewarming gifts because this plant has always been a part of my life an it feels right to share it. My mom got it as a gift probably 30+ years ago and it has been cut and repotted so many times I’ve lost count. (We also have a piece of it in our bedroom!)

The aloe plant in the middle is in a new pot I just picked up at Anthopologie (here) on a really fun girls day out with my dear friend Leah. I love it.

The yellow pot, from our local hardware store, holds a lavender plant I got at Trader Joe’s. I think I will move it outside when it gets a bit warmer and put something else in the yellow pot. I do hope it flowers, I don’t know much about lavender, I’ll have to do a bit of reading to see what it likes best.

Anyway, makes me happy to look at these plants while I am washing dishes!


I was thinking it would be fun to try the paper bag challenge over at Tinkerlab. I suggested it to my big man, explained that he could make whatever he wanted with a paper bag, and without a moment of hesitation he said, “I’ll make a ship.” A couple of folds and one (yes, one) staple later he presented me with his boat. His description: “The boat has a flap on top for rain and the passengers and the driver go below the flap and the leader looks out.” I asked him if he wanted to make some passengers or paint it and he firmly said “no” and started in on his Legos. Done and done. (Except that he is still talking about the boat. So maybe not entirely done!)


I love picture books. LOVE. Always have. I just got a new one for the kids and they actually love it too, which isn’t always the case. The book is Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett and illustrated by Jon Klassen. When I saw it I was immediately drawn to the illustrations, and after reading the back flap I realized that I have admired Jon Klassen’s work before (he worked on the concepts for Coraline, one of my favorite movies). The story is equally as enchanting. A kind little girl finds a box of yarn and starts knitting in (and for) her dreary town. I won’t spoil it but it is sweet. If you have the chance it is definitely worth a read. I haven’t posted pictures here — not sure about the whole copyright thing and sure don’t want to offend anyone — but there are some nice pictures on the illustrator’s website under the books drop down menu. I’m inspired to learn to knit (again)!

Classmates, don’t look! The kids are busy as bees making Valentine’s Day cards for all of their classmates. As they decide on which items to use on which cards they are discussing who it is for and what they like about each friend. It is so sweet! Isn’t that what Valentine’s Day is all about after all?
