You are currently browsing the monthly archive for June 2011.

Spontaneous boating party in the backyard. I brought a few pieces of paper, an under bed storage bin and the Internet (for folding directions) and everyone is having a grand time folding and “sailing” boats. We just ran out of paper and now the kids are using leaves and sticks! They really don’t need much to have a good time.



For a boy who likes superheroes, there couldn’t be a better project. This one is from the Sewing School book, which I am absolutely in love with. I had to guide the eye-hole cutting and thread the needle once or twice, but otherwise he pretty much did it himself.


Have you seen this book called Sewing School by Amie Petronis Plumley and Andria Lisle?  We just ordered a copy from Amazon and the big kids (and I) are so excited.  We have been doing lots of little (and big) sewing projects around here and it really seems to be resonating with both my girl and boy.  I think the ideas in this book and the projects it offers will be really helpful and exciting for all of us.  Plus, I just realized that these ladies also have a blog by the same name, which I am super excited to explore.

Anyway, here is one of E’s recent creations — Sharpie on muslin, which I sewed with the sewing machine and she stuffed and finished with embroidery floss.  It was inspired by a project in Amanda Soule’s book, The Creative Family.

Flower Pillow


Haven’t been around here much lately. Hoping that soon I’ll have a bit more time to post now and again. In the meantime, hope everyone is enjoying the summer and making lots.
