You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2011.

We were having a superhero figurine crisis earlier, so I sent the kids to “school” to work on nature journals. The idea came from Mariah Bruehl’s Playful Learning book (which I am loving). We made these simple books and I told the kids to find leaves, grass and flowers to fill the books with. They collected handfuls of nature from our backyard and set to work with their glue sticks. I think once the glue dries I will press the books (and their contents) and we can label them or add our own drawings.


Party favors for my Big Man’s 4th birthday. Big batch of playdough colored with our big box of food coloring and packaged in little tubs purchased at Michael’s. Writing this post on my phone. Going to try and get on the computer later and put up a couple of other things we have been working on.
