You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2009.

In honor of the inauguration of Barack Obama last week, we did a little collage project.  We discussed the inauguration and the fact that President Obama had  been sworn in to lead our country.  Then we cut a bunch of pictures and words from our newspaper and busted out the glue.

Obama Collage

Eleanor took great joy in gluing everything together.  She said, “He looks so happy!” when she glued the picture of President Obama taking the oath of office, which she subsequently covered with a picture of the crowds.   Ah, well, it is her collage after all.

Obama Collage

And, Henry joined in the fun too with some random clips from the paper. Despite being a bit young for the lesson on government, he was astonishingly careful in his placement of the papers. He also added a little crayon, just for a bit of color — or so I imagine.

Obama Collage

Eleanor got the coolest handmade birthday gift from her friends Luli and Fiona.  A hopscotch game made of felt.  I wish I had thought of this, but credit must be given to Luli and Fiona’s mom Jenn (who blogs here).

(Henry helping Eleanor’s giraffe play.)

The squares include the numbers 1 through 9 and there are two bean bags to use as markers.  Jenn was clever enough to add the instructions for hopscotch, which was good because it has been a while since I have played.  Eleanor and Henry have been enjoying it immensely and using the numbers creatively as well.  They had all the numbers in a circle at one point and were jumping from number to number.  Vince commented that we should make up to the number 20 and use them as a learning tool for number recognition.  I may have to swipe the idea too for other friends who have upcoming birthdays — so those friends with kids in the appropriate age range, kindly forget that you read this!

(Eleanor getting some serious air.)

I’ve been totally neglecting this blog.  I guess that is what happens sometimes.  Anyway, I have a several things I need to put up from ages ago and a few new pictures to download.  I’ll get to that soon.  Hopefully.

For now, there are a couple of cool giveaways (fabric! and an Elsie Marley bag!) over at The Crafty Crow.   And, my favorite art blog for kids, The Artful Parent, is back!  Hooray.