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Here is one of the play dough sculptures created during our big snow. It is “the new baby wearing a scarf.” Looks pretty happy, eh?

Play Dough


We have had snow around here.  And not just the regular, run of the mill snow — massive amounts of it.  About 27 inches in the first installment and over a foot in the second dump a few days later.  It is beautiful and fun (now that we have power back) and has caused lots of creativity to happen during the indoor times.  The most important staple to avoid stir-craziness has been play dough.  The recipe we use is this:

2 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 Tbsp cream of tartar
2 cups water
2 Tbsp oil
Food coloring (optional)
Combine all ingredients in a pot and heat over medium high heat for several minutes until it becomes clumpy and somewhat resembles play dough.  Knead a few times and play!

I can’t exactly remember what website the recipe came from but I have it posted on one of our cupboards in the kitchen.  It is quick, easy and always a hit with both kids.  In fact, they can play together for a nice long period, using cookie cutters, butter knives, rolling pins and small plastic animals with the play dough.  I’ll have to find my play dough pictures, for some reason they are currently hiding on me.